Paula Gooder
Paula Gooder is a writer and biblical scholar whose many books make her expertise accessible to a wide readership. They include Lydia and Phoebe which relate in story form the lives of significant New Testament figures, and the Biblical Exploration series. Paula is also one of the editors of the Pilgrim course. She is Canon Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral, London.

Women of Holy Week
An Easter Journey in Nine Stories
Paula Gooder,
Ally Barrett
In the style of her bestselling Phoebe, Paula Gooder uses her extensive biblical expertise to retell the events of the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension through the eyes of nine female characters she imagines accompanying Jesus during these...
Paperback / softback
Women of the Nativity
An Advent and Christmas Journey in Nine Stories
Paula Gooder
Following on from her bestselling Women of Holy Week, Paula Gooder uses her extensive biblical expertise and storytelling skills to recreate the events of the nativity, from the promise of a future people to Sarah, to the presentation in the temple...
Paperback / softback