Everybody Welcome
How many people 'try out' your church each year?
Do they feel welcome?
Do they come back?
What would happen if 10%, 25% or even 50% of your visitors became regular members of your congregation?
Everybody Welcome is the complete course to transform your church by improving your approach to newcomers. In five teaching sessions, it will help you review your attitudes to newcomers, learn new approaches and identify areas of improvement and change.
The course comes in three different parts, all designed to complement each other and ensure that everybody feels welcome in your church:
The Leaders' Manual - contains four sessions of material, with leaders' notes, background notes and checklists to help you identify areas for change in your church.
The Members' Manual - provides preparatory material for the course, as well as summaries of each session. Designed to be used by each individual participant.
The DVD - essential video content to enhance the course, designed to be used in conjunction with the leaders' manual.
Want to run Everybody Welcome with every member of your church? We're offering a 35% discount on orders of 100 or more copies of the Members' Manual. Please email admin@norwichbooksandmusic.co.uk for more details.
'A must for every church.'
Captain Jim Currin, Church Army
"Many churches will benefit enormously from this straightforward course … A practical tool that will help churches grow." (5 stars)
Christianity magazine
Supporting Downloads
The Worship Event - for use with the member's manual, p. 34, and the leaders' manual, p. 59.
Nurture Courses - a revised version of the table found on p.93 of the leaders' manual.
Checklists - as featured in each session of the leaders' manual.
Sermon ideas - suggested readings for sermons on welcome and possible structures for sermon series
Resources to aid you in being a 'mystery worshipper':