An Intercultural Church for a Multicultural World
Reflections on gift exchange
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One of the Church of England’s central aims is that it should become more diverse. This book is a contribution to the debate on how the church nationally and locally might better represent the cultural diversity of the communities which it is called to serve.
Originating from the experiences of one of the most multicultural dioceses in the country, it offers a series of reflections that will enable readers to consider how they might think and act with greater cultural sensitivity in their contexts.
Central to the book is the theme of gift exchange. All of life is celebrated as gift where we experience diversity, the other, hospitality and God as gifts. It explores the possibilities of intercultural gift exchange in the practices of generous giving, radical receptivity and transformative thanksgiving.
'One of the most encouraging developments in the church today is the growth of intercultural congregations. When I encounter churches that have taken seriously the cultural diversity of its community and its congregation, I’ve been a witness to the heart of the gospel: gift-exchange and reconciliation in Christ. Martyn points us not only to what is possible but what is a necessary journey for the church in and for a multicultural world.' -- Archbishop Justin Welby
'For many years, Martyn has embodied a commitment to the church as a visible sign of the rich diversity of the kingdom of God. In opening up a conversation about the gifts of diverse cultures that the Church of England has too often refused, Martyn, Lusa, Saju, Florence and Jessie have opened us up to receiving the very gift of God-in-Christ.' -- Richard Sudworth, Archbishop of Canterbury's Secretary for Inter Religious Affairs
'Martyn Snow’s nuanced perspective and practical insights make this book invaluable for anyone seeking to foster more inclusive and harmonious intercultural worshipping communities in a changing and multicultural world.' -- Tim Wambunya, Vicar of St Paul's Slough Intercultural Community and Honorary Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Oxford
'Refreshingly rooted in a combination of personal experience, theological rigour, and a humble willingness to challenge how we think; this book is a brilliant contribution to the Church of England Vision and Strategy as we discern what it will mean to be a church which is younger and more diverse.' -- Debbie Clinton, Co-Director of Vision and Strategy for the Church of England